Topics covered relate to cash for clunkers program. Highlights include list of eligible cars, loopholes and tactics to profit from the program. This blog predicts that the program may run out of money. The winners will be the car industry, the consumers who will turn their cars before the program runs out of money. The potential losers would be the tax payer as a whole, as it is not clear that this program will be a positive sum game.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cash For Clunkers Eligibility List

A main topic of this blog is the question of Cash for Clunkers Eligibility. Recently, the U.S. Government passed legislation providing vouchers valued from $3,500 to $4,500 when you trade-in a vehicle and purchase a new one that meets or exceeds higher MPG standards. The name of the progam is The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) but it is better known as "Cash for Clunkers".

If you have a clunker (older car) you may want to benefit form it. We have read about strategies of how to take most advantage of it.

We are compiling a lit of eligible cars. We plan to share it with you. If you are interested send us an email with to send to you the list. Indicate any car model you may have in mind, and also if possible you zipcode as availability options depend on areas.

Send email to: emailtigercubs (ATT) gmail (DOTT) com

Best regards

PS: I am mispelling ATT and DOTT to fool bots who can capture my email address and spam me. Thanks for your understanding.

Tiger Cubs


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